Collard Greens
- Collard Greens - 5 Servings
- Seasoning Salt (1tsp)
- Garlic Salt (1tsp)
- Thyme (1tsp)
- Rice Wine Vinegar (2 cups)
- Water (2 cups)
- Red and Green Bell Peppers - ½ serving
- One whole White Onion
- 2 carrots
- Cut up collard green leaves into thin strips
- Cut stems into bite-sized pieces or smaller
- Place greens in pot
- Add seasonings, rice wine vinegar, and water
- Cover and cook collard greens - 40 minutes NOTE: It may seem like too many collard greens, but when they cook down they will shrink significantly
- Shred the carrots
- Cut up the onion, half the green pepper, and half of the red pepper to bite sized pieces.
- Add vegetables to the top of the pot and cover - 10 minutes. NOTE: You want them to steam, so don’t mix them in until it’s all complete.
- Serve and enjoy!